Week Before

  • MOISTURIZE! Applying a water(aqua)-based paraban-free moisturizer DAILY will hydrate your skin before the application. Hydrated skin tans deeper resulting in a longer-lasting tan. Hydrate from within: water intake also contributes greatly so hydrated skin resolution in a longer-lasting tan.

1-2 Days Before

  • Shower, Shave/Wax, Exfoliate
    • Use a non-abrasive exfoliant (wash cloth is fine) and gently exfoliate removing top layer of old skin
    • Salt or Beaded exfoliants should be used 72 hours prior as it may create small freckles in open pores or spots and uneven fading.
    • Manicures and pedicures should also be taken care of prior to your session
    • Showering day of appointment is fine, but do so using lukewarm water if possible

Day Of Appointment

  • Dark, loose clothing is recommended to wear after application while the solution develops. 
  • No lotion or deodorant 
  • Make-up remover towelettes are provided as well as sticky-feet and a hairnet
  • Plan on not showering or perspiring/exercising for at least 12 hours (Rapid Solution 2-4 hours)


    1. Wait the recommended time to allow tan to develop before your first shower, at minimum. You can always leave it on longer for a darker, deeper tan as the solution continues to develop for up to 24 hours.
    2. Your first shower: Rinse, no soap. This will remove the bronzer (make-up) but the tan will continue to develop for up to 24 hours if you would like it to get even darker after the bronzer has been washed away. Adversely, if the tan is TOO dark, using soap will tone it down. So if you like the results, just rinse!

    3. Pat dry after showering

    • The longer and hotter the shower, the faster your tan will fade

    • Chlorine is a bleaching agent and will speed up fading drastically. Sunblock is recommended to lock in tan before entering chlorinated spas or pools.

    • MOISTURIZE, MOISTURIZE, MOISTURIZE! Moisturize twice daily with a mineral-oil free, paraben-free, WATER-based (aqua) lotion. This will ensure proper fading as your skin naturally exfoliates and is very important. I repeat: very important, so Moisturize!!



    Mineral Oil

    Dove Products

    Bar Soap

    Heavy Fragrance / Victoria's Secret : high alcohol content; to avoid blotchiness spray on hairline/back of neck

    ******** MOISTURIZING IS KEY ********

    I cannot stress this fact enough. Moisturize twice daily to ensure a long-lasting tan and even fading. Staying hydrated will also hydrate your skin, the largest organ on our body. So drink plenty of water, HYDRATE FROM WITHIN- it's good for you! If you are a dry-skinned individual, please let Bre know and she can recommend a lotion intended especially for spray tanning that will help you avoid a short 5-day tan.

    My ultimate goal is to provide you with a highest-quality organic product, apply an even, flawless airbrush tan, and leave you with knowledge of proper after-care and maintenance.

    If I have no accomplished this, please contact myself directly via phone at 888-701-6980, by text at 949-870-8884, by emailing or please fill out the form on the contact tab. I will get back to you within 24 hours. Without proper care and maintenance you are not guaranteed an expected 7-10 days out of your tan so please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.


    A never-orange, natural looking tan that lasts a MINIMUM of 5 days is guaranteed or your money back: following the above instructions. 


